Although the two phrases are often used interchangeably, “protective orders” and “restraining orders” refer to two different things. In Texas, a restraining order is a type of protective order; in other words, all restraining orders are protective orders, but not all protective orders are restraining orders. Also known as an “enjoin contact order,” a restraining order stipulates that the respondent may only have limited or no contact with the petitioner. A temporary restraining order lasts a maximum of 20 days, while a general restraining order can remain valid for up to two years.
Restraining orders can also grant the petitioner temporary child custody, require the respondent to leave the family residence, and pay child or spousal support. When a restraining order is filed in Brazoria County, the respondent is not allowed to carry a gun or weapon at any time. Violations of a restraining order are punishable by fines or jail time.
If you have a restraining order, keep a copy of it with you at all times. Call 911 immediately if the respondent violates the order.
Filing for a Temporary Restraining Order in Brazoria County
When you need to file for a temporary restraining order, it can be an emotional time. While you can file the petition by yourself, errors made in the documentation you file may provide the otherwise with loopholes needed to get the order dropped. With an experienced family law attorney by your side from the very beginning, you can ensure all of your paperwork has been filed properly.
One of our attorneys will accompany you to court, where you will have a hearing before a judge. The respondent will not be notified of this hearing. Once the temporary restraining order has been granted, the sheriff or a process server will notify them and your local police department will also receive a copy.
When the temporary restraining order expires, you may file for a full protective order. Terry & Roberts can also assist you with the process of obtaining a protective order in Brazoria County.
Texas Restraining Order Lawyers
We understand the anxiety you feel when your safety is threatened and the emotional turmoil you experience when filing for a restraining order. You deserve the freedom of feeling safe in your surroundings. Let our attorneys stand by your side through the process of filing for a restraining order. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.